『[Vintage]1980s? Newsprint Interview (Rumiko Takahashi )西日本新聞 むきむき希望インタビュー(高橋留美子)[tag5555] 』はYahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!)でchaiteamoonから出品され、93の入札を集めて2025-02-27 00:02:31に、40500.00円で落札されました。即決価格は40500.00円でした。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。東京都からの発送料は出品者(chaiteamoon)が負担しました。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、送料無料、新品、即買でした。
Please refrain from canceling after it makes a successful bid for any reason. Please refrain from making a successful bid if there is a concern.We classify the state of the products with great care but the judgment is based on individual subjectivity so there may be differences with the viewers. Please give priority to the attached sample photos and judge.Please note that we may contact you to wait for a short deposit when it seems that checking inventory may take some time.We also carry out store sales in parallel so inventory may be out of stock. If we run out of stock we will stop selling immediately but if it can not be shipped for some reason after payment such as when it is not in time we will add the full amount paid and 10% of the start price as a nuisance fee The contract will be completed by depositing money into the specified account.In addition please refrain from bidding of new ones.Please let us know when you do not need both evaluations.The transparent stick in the picture on the easel is an acrylic stick for fixing the exhibit. Since the tip is chamfered the product is not damaged.Please note that we cannot take all responsibility including all defects responsibility about transaction.Although we pay careful attention to storage posters and paper products may have some folds or folds even if they are unused in the corners and the surrounding area. Please use the high-definition mode on another site or download mode for paper products if possible.The Nikon 18% standard reflector (A3 Size) is used for the gray background paper.There is a thing with a clock or calendar in the photo but it is an information tag for the seller's management. It has nothing to do with the product.In addition if there is a price revision we plan to do it once a month.[Tagxxxx] at the end of the title is a management tag. It has nothing to do with the product.[First appearance]202109...
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